
  • Preparation - This happens before the mediation. You will normally have a solicitor and I will prepare for the mediation with them. If you don’t have a solicitor, I will discuss the mediation directly with you. The preparation includes discussing the background to your case and reviewing the case summaries. The mediation venue will be agreed (this can be online), and a mediation agreement will be signed prior to the mediation day.

  • The mediation - Whether online or in person, each party will have their own room and I will move between the rooms clarifying the facts and understanding between the parties. Options for agreement will be explored. Consideration can be given to options that would be beyond the scope of the court process. Remember that nothing will be binding unless and until a settlement agreement is signed by both parties at the end of the mediation. Everything discussed in the mediation remains confidential afterwards.

  • Post mediation - Over 90% of mediations result in agreement either on the day or shortly afterwards. Whatever the outcome of the mediation, I will follow up with both parties as appropriate.